Veggie Week

Vegetarian week: This is the first of my week long challenges. Although vegetarianism is becoming more common, and for many this challenge is the norm; giving up meat is still a big step for a lot of people. I have been cutting back my meat intake for a while now, especially of beef, so becoming vegetarian doesn't seem as big of a leap for me as it once was. This week I wanted to look especially at the quality of meat alternatives and the difference in cost per meal. Monday: Mushroom Risotto Monday morning started in a pretty boring manner; a bowl of cereal, not changing my routine at all. For lunch I did struggle more than expected. Where I would normally have a quick but uninspiring sandwich, most options I would usually go for were not vegetarian. Instead I went for jacket potato with baked beans and cheese. This cost about 60p while a ham and cheese sandwich would cost about 63p. For the first dinner of the week I made a mushroom risotto with peppers and onion, served with gar...